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Wedding Day Miracle As Newlyweds Survive What Could Have Been A Tragic Accident



The couple


Life is a fragile gift, and in the blink of an eye, it can take a turn that leaves us gasping for clarity. On Saturday, December 7, 2024, Lagos residents were reminded of this truth when a devastating multi-vehicle collision on the Third Mainland Bridge could have easily ended in tragedy for many. Among the injured were a newlywed couple returning from their marriage ceremony at the Ikoyi Registry, a day meant to mark the beginning of a lifetime of joy.
While the couple, alongside 16 others, sustained various injuries, the fact that no lives were lost is nothing short of miraculous. This incident serves as a sobering reminder of God’s infinite mercy and the precariousness of human life.
It is almost unthinkable: a newly married couple, glowing with the joy of their union, suddenly thrust into a life-threatening ordeal. The Third Mainland Bridge, a lifeline of Lagos, has long been notorious for accidents, but this particular event strikes a deeper chord. The LT bus that caused the collision reportedly suffered brake failure at high speed, leading to a catastrophic crash with a mini truck.
What should have been a smooth journey back to the mainland turned into a chaotic scene of screams, wreckage, and frantic efforts to save lives. Imagine the horror for the couple, dressed in their wedding best, their dreams fresh and unmarred, finding themselves fighting not just for their happiness but for survival.
How close they came to tragedy! What would it have been like to hear the devastating news that a newlywed couple perished in an accident few hours after saying, “I do”? It is too heartbreaking to fathom. The thought alone sends shivers down one’s spine and sparks profound gratitude for their survival.
This story could have been written differently. The headlines could have mourned lives lost instead of detailing injuries sustained. Families could have been plunged into mourning instead of rallying around hospital beds. But here we are, talking about healing and recovery instead of funerals.
When disaster strikes, we often ask, “Why?” or “How could this happen?” But this story compels us to ask a different question: “What if God had not intervened?” The fact that all 18 individuals survived, including those with fractured limbs and severe injuries, is a testament to divine grace.
God’s mercy was evident in the timely response of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) and emergency agencies. Their coordinated efforts to rescue victims, extricate those trapped, and transport them to medical facilities were crucial. Yet, behind the human effort lies a higher power orchestrating outcomes beyond comprehension.
Counting the What-Ifs, one is compelled to ask, “What if the brake failure had occurred on a steeper section of the bridge?”, “What if there were no bystanders willing to help?”, and “What if emergency responders were delayed?”
Each of these scenarios could have turned a tragic accident into an outright disaster. But instead, we are reminded that even in chaos, God’s hands can guide and protect.
This incident is a wake-up call on multiple levels. It underscores the need for stricter enforcement of vehicle maintenance regulations. A poorly maintained LT bus with failing brakes is a ticking time bomb, endangering not only its passengers but everyone on the road.
The accident also calls for increased caution among drivers. As LASTMA’s General Manager, Olalekan Bakare-Oki, highlighted, the ongoing road safety enlightenment campaign is not just a formality; it is a necessity. Speeding and neglecting vehicle health are recipes for disaster.
For the newlywed couple and the other victims, this harrowing experience will likely reshape their perspectives on life. Surviving a near-death experience often brings about a renewed appreciation for every breath and a deeper sense of purpose.
As horrifying as the accident was, it also offers an opportunity for gratitude. For the newlywed couple, their wedding day will forever be marked not just by their vows but by the miracle of survival. It will be a story they recount with reverence, a testament to the faithfulness of a God who spares even when the odds seem insurmountable.
For the rest of us, it is a reminder to never take life for granted. The simple act of returning home safely is not guaranteed, and each journey should be undertaken with a prayer on our lips and caution in our actions.
As we reflect on this incident, our hearts go out to all 18 victims. We pray for swift recovery for the severely injured, especially those requiring specialized care at Gbagada General Hospital. May their pain be alleviated, and may they find comfort in knowing that their lives were spared for a reason.
For the newlywed couple, may this experience forge a deeper bond of love and faith between them. Starting a marriage with such a trial is no small feat, but it is also a reminder that they have a story to tell, a story of hope, resilience, and divine mercy.
As we approach the festive season, let this story serve as a clarion call for vigilance on the roads. But more than that, let it deepen our trust in God’s mercy. Life is unpredictable, but we are never outside the watchful eyes of our Creator.
Had the story ended differently, the collective grief would have been unimaginable. Instead, we are left with a profound sense of gratitude and awe at the fragility and resilience of life. Truly, God is merciful.
Let us never forget to count our blessings, cherish our loved ones, and approach each day with humility and gratitude. For in the end, it is not the length of our days that matters, but the grace that sustains us through them.


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